This page is here for you, the parent and student.

Information on this page is meant to be helpful and to keep you CONNECTED and Plugged-In to everything that is USD309 Panthers. Always remember, if you are having issues or concerns, don't hesitate to reach out to your child's building Administration or Teachers for answers.

Those contacts can be found by

Clicking Here

Several things have changed in viewing and finding the information you are looking for when visiting the Nickerson - South Hutchinson USD309 new website and media outlet. With this new look and feel, new technology and integration is now in place for a more streamlined and better experience. Along with our new looking website, you have to check out our new, fully loaded mobile app. It was created to keep you connected with Everything USD309 right in your pocket. Download the app and get all the information you need.

As with anything new, a little time will be required to get your mind wrapped around and linked to everything that is available and where it is located. Our goal for implementing this new site is to finally merge information and technology into one centrally located service. Streamlining everything in this Awesome Looking website will tie all facets of receiving important information quicker and in a more timely fashion from USD309.

An example of change to make everyones browsing experience better, is that we have removed specifically created links to Nickerson - South Hutchinson USD309 Facebook building Pages. All links have moved to the built in social media links at the bottom of each page respective to the building site you are browsing. Instead of searching for that one menu to scroll through to click on that one specific Facebook link, just scroll to the bottom of the building page you are on and click the Facebook icon. You will then be directed to that buildings specific social media information via Facebook. Twitter is the same. All buildings now have their own Twitter Pages as well that can be accessed by clicking on the Twitter icon.