309 Building & Teacher Directory

Elementary Schools


PreK - 6

South Hutchinson Elementary School

405 S. Poplar St. - South Hutchinson - KS - 67505
Principal - Shalon Worcester Asst. Principal - Bob Turner
Phone: 620-665-8441
Fax: 620-665-7481

PreK - 6th

PreK - 6

Nickerson Elementary School

400 N. Nickerson - Nickerson - KS - 67561
Principal - Craig Gantenbein
Phone: 620-422-3215
Fax: 620-422-3216

Middle School

Middle School

7 - 8

Reno Valley Middle School

1616 N. Wilshire Dr - Hutchinson - KS - 67501
Principal - Vince Naccarato
Phone: 620-662-4573
Fax: 620-662-6708

High School

High School

9 - 12

Nickerson High School

305 S. Nickerson St. - Nickerson - KS - 67561
Principal - Rick Blosser Asst. Principal - Alex Nuss
Phone: 620-422-3226
Fax: 620-422-3229

Virtual School K-12

Virtual School K-12

K - 12

Central State Academy

305 S. Nickerson St. - Nickerson - KS - 67561
Principal -
David Patterson
Phone: 620-500-5945

Teacher Directories

Click on the logos to go to building directories

SHES Building Logo

NES Building Log

RVMS Building Logo

NHS Building Logo

CSA Building Logo